Get ready to take control of your mental rights

Mental Rights Inc. is a 501c3 company (non-profit) that is focuses on helping the mentally ill towards freedom, safety, and peace in their lives in a non-forceful way!


EMERGENCY: My name is Yvette Basica. I am an MK ultra victim and a gang stalking target. I kept getting locked up in psych wards for ten years because my parents kept triggering me at home by doing everything the police and other stalkers tell them to do. They end up drugging the food in the house and I stop eating giving my parents an excuse to lock me up. The last time I was in the psych ward was 2025 January at the end of the month and I went to Harbor UCLA in Los Angeles county. They gave me an illegal injection in the hallway before I went into psych er so that there were no cameras there then I got two injections inside the unit that were all experimental drugs to make me go blind and have hearing loss. I recently just tried to create a non profit called project blindness so that there could be a cure to blindness so that I could get help and legal zoom has blocked me. My phone is hacked and someone hacked into my account while I was trying to make the purchase then when I called on the phone they kept asking me a million questions and told me it wont be approved for fifteen days when I paid for two days. Two days later they told me its ready and when I called they said I had to make a compliance with fincen at financial crimes enforcement network to upload a photo id when this was all done on purpose so block me from making my business. Clearly I have made this business and I never had to do that. They said I had a deadline of less than a month to do it which is another lie. Then I tried to forward my website on squarespace and godaddy and I have been blocked by both companies to forward my website that I bought a few days ago. In the last few days I was distracted and I did not forward my website right away so they logged into my accounts on godaddy and squarespace and have blocked me from doing so so I cannot get the word out. The police and govt kept asking my parents to take me for a walk yesterday so I could leave the house and get an injection in the middle of streets where there are no cameras at. I do not know how much longer I have before I am blind and also lose my hearing. The drugs they gave me affect both my vision and my hearing. so please I need resources and referrals for doctors, lawyers, tech people, volunteers. This has been happening for a very long time and they use a lot of experimental drugs on me. I use to be a fitness model and now I look like a very beat up person because of what they drugs have done to me.

Thank you for coming to Mental Rights Inc where we are a full service non profit firm. Our primary focus has been to protect the rights of the mentally ill where we will describe it below. However, we are expanding to other ventures in the mental health space. We will be offering counseling services for free to anyone who needs it. No requirements. You need counseling. We will offer it. It will first start out over the phone and through video. We will be expanding to counseling services in person once the company is up and running. It will start out in Los Angeles, CA and hopefully we can expand. We will offer holistic psychiatric services as well. Our firm will always be holistic and that is the type of providers we would like to have on our team. These services will be online and through video at first but then will expand to in person once the company is up and running of course. In addition to counseling services we will have a specific team that will just be doing holistic research for mental health. We will be hiring holistic psychiatrists, holistic therapists, chiropractic neurologists, physical therapists, personal trainers, naturopathic doctors, medical doctors, and neurologists with a holistic focus. We would like to bring in the body and how that has an affect on someone's mental health as our primary focus. That is why we will need to hire physical therapists and other body oriented people to be able to find out the best movements for someone's specific mental health needs. There is not much holistic research out there for our mental health needs. That is why there is so much chronic pain mentally and pain from side effects of conventional therapies. In addition to research and counseling, we will have a specific team dedicated to giving referrals for therapists and holistic psychiatrists, holistic naturopathic doctors, or holistic medical doctors for mental health needs in your area. If you do not want to use our services right away we will have people set up to find the right therapist or doctor for you. There are currently no free services that take the time to find out what your needs are to truly help you. These services will be available over the phone and through video and eventually will be in person as the company gets up and running. We also would like to save some donations just to have a free locked facility services that are holistic for people to go to in a crisis. This will be similar to a hospital but the services will be free for anyone who needs it no matter who they are. These facilities will take into consideration no use of restraints or traumatic forced abusive techniques that the mentally ill suffer now. We will focus on supplements and organic foods with body oriented people to help the clients instead of conventional ways that end up hurting people. We would also like to offer outpatient services on the property as well. Outpatient services are group therapy with an individual therapy once or twice a week, a medical doctor appointment once a week or more if needed, a psychiatrist appointment, and a case worker for each person along with the person's group therapy which ranges from three to five times per week. Some people cannot come in person so we can offer these services through video or over the phone which can help a broad audience in the United States. We will also have a United States warm lines and crisis lines for someone to speak with or text or email. The great thing about the emotional support lines is that we can connect you with a licensed counselor in your area with the other services we have in our company. The crisis support line will be very helpful who are simply in a crisis and not suicidal but just need someone to talk to and have our company as a follow up. There has to be a safe place for people to go to and you can help. Please help support our company because a lot of these services can be done through phone or video which can reach a broader audience in the United States. Eventually we can expand to in person services. Please help support us to help the United States and the growing mental health concerns in Los Angeles county.

Before I talk about the background of mental illness abuse I want to share that the owner Yvette Basica is in an emergency. She is currently still on mental health conservatorship. She first got on it in 2015 when she was disabled from a car accident. UCLA resnick hospital put her on it and said she could not leave the hospital unless she got on it. They beat her up physically with poison everyday. She almost died over 100 times while staying there and she was already disabled. These people are sick human beings to gang abuse someone who cannot defend themselves. She was assigned Jonathan Petrak her public defender who refused to call her back for five years. She begged the supervisors to do something about it almost every week and they refused to call her back. She was not able to have a trial because her lawyer did not explain anything to her and would not go over her case prior to the trial. Meanwhile she suffered extreme emotional gaslighting from her parents everyday and would get attacked daily by them. They switched out her drugs that she was forced to take experimental drugs where she would have extreme pain every night. Her mom would not help her get a lawyer and she said that if she hired a private lawyer she would kick her out of the house and throw her on the street and call up social security and take all of her money away from her so she cannot survive or eat food and get raped on the streets. Her dad would tell her to go live with her lawyer. Lets remember she is cognitively challenged from a bad car accident so she could not protect herself. Then one day in the house my mom said she would go down in person to the public defenders office and the next day Jonathan called because there are cameras all over her house from being a gang stalking target. She went to court and Jonathan did not say one thing to defend her. Yvette had to defend herself in front of judge who granted her off of conservatorship. If I had my trial within six months or sooner after the first conservatorship she would have been free. She got back on it almost two years later because her parents were abusing her at home. Her mom said she would be not allowed to stay with her in the house unless she was on conservatorship and tried to kick her out of the house again and let her be homeless. The only reason she never left the house is because the government only gives a small amount to survive. They do not give you enough money to pay rent. Because she is a gang stalking or MK Ultra victim here name gets slandered by the police and the department of mental health. They will not allow her to work or find a place to live for eight years. She could not even get a waitress job or a cleaning job. Lets remember she is still getting beaten up everyday by her parents and outside people. This past year she went back into the hospital four times because her parents kept attacking her at home. When the police come to her house my mom will lie to the cops and tell them I am mentally ill to lock her up in a psych ward when Yvette has over 100 pictures to prove her abuse with marks all over her face and body. While she was in the hospital the department of mental health on purpose switched all of the conservatorship cases to the Norwalk court house with judge scott herin. They had postponed my case for almost a full year. They would make excuses each month as to why she could not have it leaving her back in the hospital because of her parents abusing her. The previous attorney Danielle Sullivan left her to allow her mother to still beat her up and would not tell her what her legal right were. She refused to protect her. Then she got a new lawyer Danielle o Sullivan and she would not allow her mother to stop abusing her either. She would not allow her to have a placement hearing to leave the hospital and allowed Harbor UCLA to continue to beat her up everyday. Then her last attorney is Ramiro Jiacinto. Her refuses to call her back ever. He allowed her to get beat up by parents and the mental health hospitals. He would not send transportation to go down to court. He would not let her have a placement hearing. Right now her conservatorship case was extended again because she was at the hospital and the West Hollywood mental health courthouse would not let her off of it. He would not let her use her friends as a conservator and placed her mother on it again. She finally got released from hospital and her mother said she would be nice to her this time. Yvette believed her because she needs support and her mom started to turn on her again just a few weeks ago. Her mother has borderline personality disorder and is bipolar without any therapy. Both her parents have a history of violence from her whole entire childhood. Her parents deny ever hitting her or emotionally attacking her to this day when Yvette remembers everything. Why have children if you are going to beat them up. That does not even make sense. Right now her medicine is being switched out that she is forced to take. She is given experimental drugs. Both her parents have still beat her up for eight years. Just this past week Yvette tried to get restraining orders from the Torrance courthouse for all of the abuse she endured from hospitals and the police and she kept getting blocked from efiling. The torrance courthouse took down their entire website on purpose then they blocked me from filing restraining orders on their website. They had the option this past year and then they took it down on purpose. Yvette hired someone to go down to the courthouse for her and the Torrance courthouse denied her getting restraining orders on businesses which they cannot do. Then they disregarded the paperwork for the person she wanted to get a restraining order for so that there is no paper trail. The last time she tried to get restraining orders the torrance courthouse lied and said she got the wrong paperwork even though she contacted a free legal service to find out which forms she needed. YVETTE IS GETTING BLOCKED FROM GETTING LEGAL HELP AND PROTECTING HERSELF. At this point she is going to be homeless in a matter of days because her mother has threatened her again. Please call 3109358797 or better yet contact her on instagram at yvettebasica3 and post on one of her pictures any low income apartment referrals, a full time job, a civil rights lawyer, a medical doctor, and please DONATE on clover link on website. Her phone gets hacked by the police and cia so if you cannot get a hold of her just post on instagram. Right now not only is her medicine switched out at her local pharmacy but it is switched out at all pharmacies she contacts. She will either get blocked or the places that accept her will switch out her drugs on her at the pharmacy to physically make her disabled. She called the CA board of pharmacies to report her medicine being switched out and they did nothing about it after she told her her side effects and hung up the phone on her. She tried calling and emailing the headquarters of her pharmacy and went in person and they hung up the phone on her over ten times. She got no email back. She has called adult protective services about this and they refuse to call her back for ten years. No supervisor no agent nothing. It is now December 4, 2024 and just last month adult protective services wanted to cover up something and left me a certified letter in the mail saying they contacted me but they never gave me a phone call. They wanted a paper trail. I called the number on the page and the lady said she was out of the country and did not know when she was coming back so she could avoid me. I called for another case worker and for a supervisor and they are just ignoring me. I called the same lady back and she refuses to call me back. They use to have offices in person and they shut the whole thing down about a few months ago on purpose. No one can get a hold of them anymore and they are just letting the mentally ill and the disabled continue to get beaten up daily with no help and no support. I have even called the health departments in los angeles and orange county about my hospital abuse and they refuse to do anything about it. I went down to the Mayor’s office in Los angeles to make an appointment with the mayor in person and they said they cannot make appointments in person or over the phone I had to email them. They took months to get back to me and finally said I was blocked from getting my appointment. The girl at the office specially said I cannot help you with any sort of crime. It’s like whats the point in having a Mayor. They purposely blocked me.

The mentally ill have been locked up and abused for centuries and centuries into psych wards that are worse than prisons. All of their human legal rights are taken from them where lobotomies have been performed, electroshock therapy, forced medication, forced lethal injections, have been given the date rape drug to rape them at night, more sexual assault, physical abuse, extreme emotional abuse, taken advantage of by people stealing from them, and being killed. The mentally ill are not taken seriously by the police or FBI and they are the people that get victimized and bullied the most. The mentally ill are placed on conservatorships and forced on medication to have all of their rights taken away such as where they can live, not allowed to drive, forced health procedures that are harmful to them, control their money or threaten to take away their money away from them, and other abuse the conservator places on them. Some are put involuntarily into group homes where it is similar to being locked up in a hospital or a prison for no reason at all. People should not be locked up because they are sad or anxious or having a hard time.

The Free Britney Spears movement is something that has been noticed in the recent year towards having her freedom taken away from her and keeping her abused everyday with forced drugs. Dr. Peter Breggin is a famous psychiatrist in New York who tells the horror stories of what this medication actually does to people. He has written numerous books on people having homicidal and suicidal tendencies and acting on them. Most people on these drugs long term end up on disability, and they need help for the rest of their lives because they cannot cook or take care of themselves. Basically, the cognitive functioning of a person is long gone. They cannot formulate sentences, speak, do simple math, or understand things. How is ruining a person’s life better than holistic therapy or using talk or movement therapy.

So far, the legal rights for the mentally ill are all taken away. They will not allow them to keep their toiletries with them, keep their money with them besides maybe ten dollars if they are lucky so it stops them from hiring a lawyer on their behalf, not allowed to wear their own clothes which is abuse to allow them to walk around in a naked gown. When you are in a hospital the mentally ill have the legal right to have a public defender and a judge for their court hearing to stay in the hospital. Well they lie. They give you a rigged and corrupt hearing officer and an advocate over a zoom meeting that will not listen to one thing the mentally ill says. If they say they were sexually abused, they do nothing and keep you in the same facility. They will not come down to the hospital or allow you to go to the court which is illegal, but they do it anyway. The judges in the mental health system are rigged for keeping the mentally ill sick and on conservatorships or keep them in hospitals or group homes to be experimented on. The public defenders will not ask you any background questions or get to know your case at all. They refuse to defend the mentally ill and work with the corrupt judges to keep them sick and on heavy sedated medication. Most of them will not call you back for years and years. The supervisors in the mental health court do the exact same thing that the public defenders do and refuse to call you or email you back or respond to any type of abuse that is happening on the conservatorship or in the hospitals or group homes. The supposed victims advocates they claim exist will not protect you from anyone in the court system or in the hospitals or in places of businesses. They refuse to see anyone in person or call the person back ever. If you do get a hold of them you have to send your grievance forms to the mail which can be intercepted or lost and they will have no way of taking down your information over the phone or through email. The Los Angeles county of mental health is rigged and the director will not respond to your phone calls or emails when he gets more money than the president of the United States. The Los Angeles county of mental health gets billions of dollars per year from the US government to do absolutely nothing to protect the mentally ill from being abused in the hospitals, in their own homes, on conservatorships, or in the group homes. Their job is to experiment on the mentally ill with more drugs to keep them sick and unemployed and homeless or locked in a facility with no way out. The social workers will not protect the mentally ill from harm and would rather place them in restraints and inject them to the point of near death experiences. When you will read the about us section of the website you will learn more about the term called MK Ultra – the CIA based mind control program and you will be able to see the inhumane experimentation the CIA places on innocent mentally ill people to keep them locked up and controlled. The Los Angeles county of mental health cooperates with them to further experiment, physically abuse, rape, and sex traffic the poor and the innocent. They have been getting away with it for centuries and no one is doing anything about it.

The goal for Mental Rights Inc. is to protect the mentally ill from being abused in psych wards, treatment centers, group homes, and really any time a mentally ill person is being subjected to unfair treatment or abuse from other people and places of businesses or residences. Many people need accommodations at work, in the places they rent, or even from a place of business such as a grocery store to bring their therapy pet in. We will never turn anyone away like most businesses do when they reach out for help. Currently, there is no help for the mentally ill in facilities or within businesses or their homes. The patients rights advocate or a public defender will not go to the group home, residence, or hospital. They refuse to call anyone back and they allow people to just suffer while they are getting raped, forced drugs, physically harmed, molested at night, and emotionally abused. They refuse to let people get medical treatment in these facilities and give forced lethal injections for no reason. Our goal for Mental Rights Inc. is to go into the facilities such as hospitals, treatment centers, group homes, and prisons on a regular basis for check-ups and when we are called or emailed in order to make sure these facilities are not abusing people anymore. We will also handle any non-hospital or treatment center phone calls in regards to businesses or places of residences treating the mentally ill poorly or not giving them their accommodations to live a happy and fulfilling life.

“Mental health…is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.”

– Noam Shpancer